Avhandlingar inom arbetsterapi
Avhandlingar av nuvarande och tidigare medarbetare inom arbetsterapi.
Maria Ranner
KI 2016: Evaluation and experiences of a client-centred ADL intervention after stroke
Linda Nordstrand
KI 2015: Longitudinal development of hand function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy and its relation to brain lesion and treatment
Malin Regardt
KI 2014: Hand function, activity limitation and health-related quality of life in patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis
Anna Sandin Aldehag
KI 2009: The effect of hand training in patients with Welander distal myopathy and Myotonic dystrophy type 1
Monika Samuelsson
KI 2009: Dynamic mechanical allodynia in peripheral neuropathic pain : Psychological observations
Susanne Guidetti
KI 2008: Recapturing self-care after stroke or spinal cord injury : Exploration of experiences and evaluation of a client-centred intervention
Lena Krumlinde
KI 2002: Aspects of hand function in children with unilateral impairments : Caused by obstetric brachial plexus or hemiplegic cerebral palsy
Ann-Christin Eliasson. KI, 1994
Sensorimotor control and human precision grip: aspects of normal and impaired development