25 maj 2023 14:00 -- 15:30

Systems Biology, P4 Medicine and the Million Person Human Phenome Initiative—a 2nd Genome-Like Project


Gästföreläsning av Leroy Hood. Leroy Hood developed the automated DNA sequencer that made the human genome sequence possible and 5 other instruments that laid the technical foundations of modern biology. He has pioneered precision medicine and data-driven and systems-driven 21st century medicine—which will transform healthcare.

Lerooy Hood received the Lasker Prize for molecular immunology and the
National Medal of Science awarded by Obama. He is currently
on the faculty of the Institute for Systems Biology and CEO of
Phenome Health, a non-profit organization driving the
emergence of precision population health.

Venue: Eva and George Klein lecture hall,
Biomedicum, KI Sona Campus, Solnavägen 9

Organizer: Precision Cancer Medicine (PCM) and What is life?
Host: Ingemar Ernberg



Kontaktperson: Ingemar Ernberg
